
Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Rapunzel Wig

I finally finished/came up with something that worked for my daughter's Rapunzel hair for Halloween to go with this dress. Its not perfect, but it works and that is all that matters.

I started by cutting long strands of yellow yarn. I am not sure how long they are because I did not measure, but I just cut them how long I thought the hair should be and then doubled it. I used one yarn piece as my "guide" for all the others, but they all still turned out very different lengths which is okay because I just gave it a trim after it was all put together. I cut 80 pieces total.

 I took the yarn, 5 pieces together at a time, and looped them around each other on a thin metal headband. 80 pieces gave me 16 loops on the headband. I used some hot dabs to keep the loops in place on the headband and keep them from sliding around or off the ends of the headband.
Then, I carefully combed the yarn with my fingers to make a low ponytail. If would have easier to do it on my daughter's head to see where it would look best (I think mine was too high), but she wouldn't hold still for long enough and I used my knee instead.
To help the headband stay on her head (the yarn is pretty heavy and the headband just kept slipping off) I sewed two hair combs onto the headband.  These grab onto her hair and keep it from slipping. (sorry this picture is so blurry!)

I attached a couple of pieces of ribbon to the ponytail and then carefully braided the yarn, trying to keep the ribbon in front so it showed. When I got to the end I used another hair elastic to secure it and then covered both elastics with some more ribbon. I hot glued a bunch of flowers to the braid trimmed the ends so they were even and then it is done!
 My daughter loves it although knowing my daughter, I doubt she will keep it on all night on Halloween. Do you see what I mean by why my ponytail should have been lower? If it was lower, then her hair would be covered up more in the back. Oh well, that is the risk I take by finishing it after she goes to bed and not being able to try it on her before I glued all the flowers on.
I tried to have her to do a pretty princess face for the camera, but this is all I got. Silly girl. She has not been liking the photo shoots lately. I may have come up with better bribes.

Sorry also for the lack of posts lately. We have been passing around a nasty cold virus. It gave my son a horrible rash. Luckily it is almost all cleared now except for his face. It still looks like a teenager acne face with little red bumps all over it. My poor little guy. 

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1 comment:

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