
Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Perfect Pie Crust and Buttermilk Pie Recipe

Growing up, we always had pie for Thanksgiving and Christmas. I LOVE pie. I hate store bought crust though. It is so gross compared to the real stuff. My mom taught me how to make the perfect crust and I am going to share that with you. I am also going to share my favorite pie recipe, Buttermilk Pie. So yummy!

This pie crust recipe is from Martha Stewart (I think) and it uses real butter so it tastes so good and has the perfect texture.

Pie Crust:

2 1/2 C Flour
1 t salt (use less if using salted butter)
1 t sugar
2 COLD sticks of butter, cut in pieces (preferably unsalted, if using salted then reduce amount of salt)
1/4-1/2 C ICE water

Mix all ingredients except for water with a pastry blender until butter looks like very small peas (smaller the better). Slowly mix in water, a few drops at a time until it starts clumping together when you squeeze it with your hand. The less water, the better.

Makes 2 crusts or a top and bottom crust.

 I slice and quarter my butter into little squares

Add the other dry ingredients

 Blend with pastry blender (I usually put on a show and sit on the floor with the bowl in my lap and blend away for 15 minutes or so)

 The butter should all be broken up and the flour and butter all incorporated pretty well

You really want the water to be as cold as possible so when I say ice water, I mean it. Drizzle it on a little at a time while you mix it. 

When it clumps together well when you squeeze it in your hand, then you have enough water. If you add too much, it will be too sticky and a pain to roll out. If you don't add enough, then it will be too crumbly and will fall apart. 

Take half of it and form it into a ball with your hands. If you are short on time, you can wrap them in saran wrap and put them in the fridge for a few hours, or you can just make the crusts now.

At this point, the less you touch it the better. You want it to stay cold. You can roll it out on a floured surface or...

...between 2 sheets of parchment paper (still use a little flour though). Roll it out until it is somewhere between 1/8-1/4" thick (or however thick you like it, this is how I prefer it.)

 Transfer to pie dish by folding in half (or quarters) and lifting over pie dish.

Unfold and press gently into edges and smooth out. 

Use a sharp knife (I think a serrated one works best) to trim edges just below edge.

 Fold the excess over the top (this is how I do it, everyone has their own "method" to this part)
Pinch between index fingers to form a decorative edge

 The finished product, all ready for filling. Repeat for the second half.

When I am making a lot of pies (which happens a lot in my family, we love pie!) I will make a bunch of pie shells ahead of time, wrap them in saran wrap and stick them in the freezer. When I am ready to make the filling, I just take them out to thaw in the fridge a few hours ahead of time. 

Now for my favorite pie recipe, Buttermilk Pie. This pie is a sweet custard like pie with a top that almost reminds me of crème brûlée. Don't let the name fool you, this pie is amazing. It is not healthy, but so good.

Buttermilk Pie

1 1/2 sticks butter or margarine
6 eggs
1/2 C flour
3 C sugar
1 C buttermilk
1T vanilla

2 unbaked pie shells

Melt butter, put aside. Beat eggs together. Add sugar and flour to eggs slowly. Add melted margarine, then buttermilk and vanilla. Pour into unbaked pie shells. Bake for 1 hour and 5 minutes at 325 degrees on lower shelf.

Cool before serving.

Linked up with
Creations by Kara

1 comment:

  1. I have always been intimidated by pie crust... but I promise to give this a try. Thanks for sharing, Marissa. Food tastes that much better when the recipe comes from family! Love to you and yours this Thanksgiving.
