
Wednesday, February 15, 2012

V-day Re-Cap

 How was your Valentine's Day? My husband had parent-teacher conferences (who schedules those for Valentine's Day anyway?) so he had to work late. My kids and I had fun day together though. 

My daughter got all dressed up to finish some of her Valentine's (she likes to do things in style).

And then her brother had to get in on the action too. (My husband doesn't really approve of him wearing crowns and headbands, but I figure its better than a tutu.) He has fun and that is all that matters.

For dinner we had heart-shaped pizza with heart-shaped salame

Then we had these yummy chocolate waffles (recipe here) for dessert with fresh strawberries, chocolate syrup and real whipped cream.

After the kiddos went to bed, I worked on some projects while watching Breaking Dawn part 1. The hubs had homework, but I am getting pretty used to watching movies by myself. It was a great day!

The good news is he is almost done just 1 1/2 more classes to go. I cannot wait.

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