
Tuesday, February 7, 2012

What I've been working on...

I have spent every free moment that I have had the last month working on a pinwheel quilt for my daughter. It is my first quilt and it is twin sized. I should have started smaller, but I like to just dive into things. It has been quite the learning process, but I am happy to announce that I finished all of my pinwheel blocks last night and now I just need to sew them all together (and do a bunch of other things...). I can't wait to show you guys when I am all done.

I just hope that my 30+ year old machine will hold up long enough to finish and let me free motion quilt it when the time comes. There have been quite a few nights where I have just wanted to throw the machine out the window, but I have resisted. 

Wish me luck!!!

1 comment:

  1. I wish we lived closer, I would just let you use my machine and I would come and help or just watch the kids so you could work on it :)
