
Saturday, April 7, 2012

New Things: A Brother and a sister

I have been horrible and keeping up this blog. The Etsy shop has been keeping me busy as well as my many other responsibilities and getting ready for baby. The baby is coming soon and I have been in full-on nesting mode trying to get done as much as I can before the big day. 

I am officially 32 weeks now, so technically 8 more weeks, but my first was a week early and my second was 3 weeks early, so I doubt I will have to wait that long.  I also realized that I never shared the gender! We are having another girl!!!

My daughter is so excited to have a sister. She talks about her all the time, how she is going to share her clothes and toys and how they will play together. I think she is going to be surprised to learn that a baby sister doesn't do much but lay there and sleep for a while. We are pretty sure she is expecting a full-grown sister to pop out of me. I am also excited, girls are so much fun to dress up and sew for. I also will have a new baby headband model so I can stop using my son.

In other news, we also have another new edition around here. Last month was my birthday and my brother and dad went in together to buy me a new sewing machine!! It is a Brother CS6000i and I absolutely love it. I have already completed several projects on it (which I still need to post much to do!) It took a little getting used to because it so different and fancy compared to my old one, but man is it nice! 

I will be better and get some of those projects posted soon!

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