
Monday, May 7, 2012

Car Seat Cover

I have been busy getting ready for baby who is due any day now. I am technically not due until May 31st, but my son was born at 37 weeks, and I will be 37 weeks this Thursday. I am just trying to not get my hopes up too much that she will be early like him.

A good friend of ours gave us this car seat and I decided that I wanted a cover for it. With our other two kids, we just threw a blanket over the whole car seat, but it would slip off easy or blow off in the wind. I am hoping this one will work better, although I did just see one with elastic along the bottom and I might try that too if I find the time.

I used this tutorial from cluck cluck sew and it was super easy and quick. I think the hardest part for me is cutting everything out because I am a perfectionist.

 My son keeps putting his sister's dolls in the car seat, pretty cute.

I just used some light cotton fabric from Joann's. Since she will be mostly using this during the summer, we wanted something light that wouldn't absorb too much heat. 

The handles of my car seat are at a weird angle, so my velcro attachments had to be at a weird angle too. I just laid the cover on top of the car seat and then eyeballed where they should go. 

See, super easy, basically it is just a big rectangle with rounded corners and then two smaller rectangles with velcro. Can't wait for baby girl to come so we can use it!

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