
Wednesday, September 12, 2012

I'm Back with some Fancy Pants Elastic Headbands!

Sorry about that long blogging hiatus. I have several excuses, the main one being that I ran out of space in blogger so I had to delete a bunch of old photos from my family blog. I didn't want to lose those posts entirely, so I made a blog book using blurb. I figured it wouldn't take me too long, but I forget sometimes that I am a perfectionist and it took me FOREVER. It turned out better than I imagined though, I am very pleased and now I can get back to blogging.

Adjusting to life with 3 kids is hard. I had other parents warn us that going from 2 to 3 kids is the hardest transition, but I didn't fully understand what that meant until I was actually experiencing it. It is getting easier though and my darling but difficult baby girl is getting easier and requiring slightly less of my attention so hopefully life can get back closer to normal. My goal is to post once a week.
 The first thing that I am excited to share with you all is my new line of headbands. When we drove to CA over the summer, I used the car time to work on some new fabric flowers. I really love how simple, but beautiful these flowers are. They are a little tricky sometimes and I pricked my fingers with the needle so many times while we were driving that my husband actually went to a store and bought me a thimble on our drive to try and prevent further bloodshed. They are worth it. I could go the easy way use hot glue, but then they would turn out stiffer and heavier. A needle and thread holds together better.
They are the perfect complement to this new fancy elastic. This elastic is not only soft and stretchy so it won't be uncomfortable on your baby's head, but it is totally cute and fun. Still cute and simple, but with an extra fancy touch so they can dress up an outfit. I love them.
 I currently carry three styles in my shop, but I have 7 more styles of fancy elastic headbands in the works. Once I get them all photoed and listed, they will be customizable to so you can pick whatever flower color you want with whatever elastic you want.
 I have the cutest little girl to model them on too. She is totally worth all the sleepless nights and fussy days. She will be 4 months tomorrow and is just barely too big for her newborn size clothes :)

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