Meet Cameron. Cameron is the sweetest, happiest 7 year old and the son
of some of our good friends in our neighborhood. He also has autism.
Everyday things that are easy for most kids, are hard for him. That is why his parents are trying to get him a service dog.
A service dog can be trained to be a calming influence for him when he becomes stressed. Service dogs are very expensive though. The training can cost anywhere from $5,000 to $20,000 and is too much of a burden for most families with autistic children.
To help with this, Cameron's mom, Tamie, is organizing a fundraiser to help pay for Cameron's service dog and to help other families pay for service dogs as well. The fundraiser will be a 5K and 1 mile fun run on Saturday October 6th (next weekend) here in Lehi, UT. Even if you don't run, there will be other activities including a raffle, silent auction, and kids activities like bounce houses and face painting.
Please come if you can. I will be there running in the 5K and I have donated some earrings, headbands and hairclips for the auction so you can try to win those too :)
To register online for the race go to: http://www.active.com/5k-race/lehi-ut/paws-for-the-cause-autism-2012
It only costs $20 for the 5K and $15 for the mile, but it will be $5 more if you wait to register on race day.
If you want to donate, visit their blog and click on the link on the side.
For more information: