
Thursday, November 17, 2011

Big Announcements

Okay so I have really been a slacker! I am sorry, I do have an excuse and that will be explained in the second announcement.

First announcment: 

Next week I will be doing a free shipping sale in my Etsy shop (US orders only) for after-Thanksgiving. It will run from Thanksgiving Day (11/24) through midnight on Cyber Monday (11/28). I will be adding some more stock before then so there will hopefully be plenty to choose from. If you have been waiting for a great deal to buy from my shop, this is the time. I keep my profit margins pretty low, so this is about the best deal that I can do. Spread the word and tell your friends!!

Now on the Second Announcment: 

I am PREGNANT. Yep, 12 weeks, due the end of May. I have been sick, not throwing up horribly or anything like that, but REALLY REALLY wanting to. I feel nauseated pretty much all day and nothing makes it go away. The only way to keep if from getting worse is to force myself to eat. Everything tastes gross. I have tried out a few recipes, planning on posting them here, but they taste gross to me (my family like them though!) and I don't want to post something unless I know it is good. I have also had no energy so keeping up with my shop and keeping up with laundry has been about all that I can handle.

We are really excited to have another baby and I am just waiting for this yucky part of pregnancy to end. If it is like my previous ones, then I've got about 4 more weeks...just in time for Christmas celebrations hopefully. Until then, I will be posting here and there as I find the energy. Be patient with me.


  1. Congratulations on your baby! They are so exciting :)


  2. Congratulations!! I have been a blog slacker...reading others and doing my own, so of course have no idea what's up with you guys! GREAT deal for your etsy shop this weekend - I will definitely be writing myself a note to order a few things!!
