
Monday, November 21, 2011

Homemade Wheat Rolls, aka My Mom's Famous Rolls, aka The BEST Rolls You'll Ever Make

 These homemade rolls are the best and my mom is famous for them in our family. She makes them for every family event/holiday and we even had them at my wedding reception. My Step-Grandfather asks for a batch of his own for Christmas because they are that good. I've tried other recipes, but I always go back to this one because nothing is better.

They are made from a hot roll mix that we make a big batch of and store in the freezer. Then it is easy to throw together a batch when you need them.

Hot Roll Mix

5lbs flour (1lb=4 cups, so 20 cups) I use about half wheat flour and half bread flour
1 1/4 cup sugar
4t salt
1 cup instant nonfat dry milk

Combine ingredients. Makes about 22 cups of mix.  (I store mine in gallon size ziploc bags in the freezer to protect the nutrients in the fresh ground wheat flour)

Pan Rolls

1 1/2 T yeast
1 1/2 cups lukewarm water (not too hot or it will kill the yeast)
2 eggs beaten
1 cube melted butter or margarine
about 1/2 cup gluten flour (the more wheat flour you use, the more gluten flour you need)
5 to 6 cups of hot roll mix (this amount can vary, I usually only end up using about 4 1/2 cups)

Dissolve yeast in warm water in mixer. Add eggs and butter, leaving motor on, add gluten flour and then roll mix 1 cup at a time until the dough pulls away from sides of bowl. Put lid on and mix on high for about 5 minutes (or knead by hand for about 10-15 minutes). Place dough in buttered large bowl and turn dough over so top is buttered. Cover and place in warm, draft free place until double in bulk. (oven with light on works well). Make into rolls and place on greased cookie sheets and allow to rise again until doubled or about 30 minutes. Bake at 375 for 15 to 20 minutes. Make about 2 dozen (I usually get about 30). Cool on baking racks.

Dissolving the yeast:

After 3 cups of mix (still too wet):

4 cups, getting closer.

After 4 3/4 cups, perfect. The dough pulls away from the side and all sticks together around the kneading arms.

 After the first rise.

Form into rolls

Place on greased cookie sheet, you want them to have a little room to rise, but not too much or they will spread instead of rising up. 

After second rise.

Just perfect! The more wheat you use, the darker they will come out. I have found that the best way to judge their doneness is to lift them up and look at the bottom. If the bottom is slightly golden, then they are done.

These freeze well too, so make a couple of batches and freeze them for later!

Linking up with:
Made by You Monday (Skip to My Lou)
Creations by Kara


  1. I'm going to make some of these today! Thanks so much - I totally needed this right at this very moment :)

  2. These look so perfect! How hard is it to find gluten flower?

  3. Its not too hard where I am, but most health food places should carry it. I get mine at Winco in the bulk foods section.
